If you have been injured in an accident, whether you have contacted a lawyer by now or not, you may have realized there are a number of “OCF forms” to complete. These forms are part of the Application for Accident Benefits process. The OCF-1 Application for Accident Benefits will begin the process, and if you are working at the time of the accident and meet certain criteria, you may be entitled to income replacement benefits (IRB).

What Is An OCF-2 Form?

In order to receive IRB, it is incumbent on you to complete the OCF-2 form and submit it to your insurer at the earliest opportunity following a car accident. This form is the Employer’s Confirmation form. Failure to have this form completed may prejudice your recovery of IRB through delay or outright denial. The form can be found at the link below:

Download: OCF-2 Employer’s Confirmation Of Income Form (Ontario)

While your insurance company may send you this form, we suggest you print it and complete it rather than waiting and relying on mail. There are other OCF forms you may need to be completed such as the following:

These forms serve part of the Statutory Accident Benefits and serve an important process in the claims process. You should contact a personal injury lawyer to ensure these forms are filled out properly. Depending on your circumstances, each claim form has unique criteria that must be filled out properly, otherwise, your benefits may be compromised in one way or another.

I Have The Form In Front Of Me — Now What?

As a preamble, we encourage you to reach out to a personal injury lawyer to help you with filling out the forms properly. Often times even the most basic information may be overlooked and our office would be pleased to help you through this process.

Parts 1 through 3 are completed by you, the Applicant, and are relatively simple to fill out. Part 1 requires your basic contact information along with the name of the adjuster and insurer of which you are dealing with on your claim for accident benefits. If you are wondering how to find the name of the adjuster and insurance company, turn to a piece of correspondence they have sent you and it will be on the letterhead and below the signature. Part 2 all you need to do is print your name, provide your signature and date it. While Part 2 is so basic, it is also critical it gets completed.

Part 3 is more difficult for individuals that are self-employed or work in family businesses. If you are employed, in this section you are to check off which period you earned the most money as a salary: 4 weeks vs. 52 weeks. If you are unsure, if you check both the insurance company will determine this for you. If you are self-employed you can expect the insurance company to make a number of requisitions such as tax returns, deposit slips, pay stubs, and so forth. This can be a daunting task but unfortunately its standard practice for insurance companies to request a substantial amount of evidence to determine your eligibility for income replacement benefits.

The remainder of the OCF-2 is to be completed by your employer and is generally completed by your manager or someone in human resources. Once completed, check the form over or have your lawyer ensure there are no errors. It is not uncommon for mistakes to be made and our office would be happy to review your OCF-2 form when it is completed or assist you in the process.


Within seven (7) days of the accident, you are to inform your insurance provider of the incident. When you do notify your insurance company, indicate to them you are applying for Accident Benefits. Once you receive your Application for Accident Benefits package, you have just thirty (30) days in which to complete and submit the forms, and failure of meeting these deadlines could result in a delay or denial in the payment of your benefits.

For Your Free Initial Consultation, Contact Us Now

Our law office services Hamilton, Toronto, Brampton, Barrie, Oakville, Mississauga, Kitchener, Brantford, and the rest of southern Ontario. If your or a loved one, has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, we are pleased to offer free consultations and are pleased to assist you with any questions you have regarding the Accident Benefits forms.

Accident victims are entitled to certain Accident Benefits, but oftentimes your insurance company conveniently for them, does not fully inform you of what benefits are available to you.

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