Uttering Threats & Criminal Harassment

What Must A Crown Prove
The crown must show that the threat by the accused was made knowingly and the person making the threat was aware of the meaning of the words and what they convey as well as the threat being made in a serious manner. The crown is not obligated to prove a motive or that the accused is actually capable of carrying it out.
Will My Lawyer And The Crown Resolve The Charges Before Trial
Regardless of the charge, there may be an opportunity to resolve your charges without going through the trial process. Often times, uttering threats are fairly minor on the broad spectrum of charges, and a Crown may be in a position to negotiate a resolution or offer a peace bond.
What Is A Peace Bond
A peace bond often makes a good resolution option with the Crown if it becomes available. A peace bond is a court order requiring the accused to keep the peace and be of good behavior for a certain period of time. To be of good behavior may encompass a number of responsibilities, but namely, a person cannot be charged with a criminal offence while subject to a peace bond.
Agreeing to a peace bond does not give you a criminal record; there is no conviction or finding of guilt. With that said, it may show up on a criminal record check. If a peace bond is breached, a criminal charge may be laid.
Let Us Help You Fight Your Case
It is important that you have a criminal lawyer assess your file from the very beginning and help position the defence for a strong chance at avoiding jail time. Contact Bernstein Law Group and start your defence today.
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